Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's been awhile..

I must admit, I have not been blogging here for some time.. Sent a few Pics, and that is my attempt to keep this site current. I have been blogging primarily by changing my status on Facebook. So, I invite any to join in there.

Life has been quite a rollercoaster ride lately. Lovely fall weather, and wonderful days at Hector(4), Menomonie(1) and Eagle Bend for Sunday Afternoon meeting.

Dad is doing pretty well, having problems with a tumor in his.. well, let's just say the lowest part of the digestive trac. The Doctor will be watching that closely. He still misses Mom, as we all do, but I feel that he misses her just the right amount. Has a healthy cry once in a while, but gets to the dinning area for all meals, gets to all meetings, and has a nice part. It has been interesting to see him become more emotionally needy, as he has always been a stoic father, but now he welcomes the hugs and even the kisses. I told him, he would have to transfer some of the Love for Mom, to us kids, and he seems to be doing that.

Leah is busy busy busy.. Working and playing her Viola in Columbus OH.

Karly.. Well, you should really read her blog to find out how she is doing. She is making some real impact in the world with her writing, and composing, and with her insistance to live a full life. It is a very humbling experienct to watch her live.

Then I have the unfortunate yet very real part of life, and that is the passing of Friends and Loved ones. A couple weeks ago, I attended a funeral of Joel Horn. Joel was the brother of Eric Horn who I sang in my very first quartet with, and Joel was a NWA employee as well. Eric passed away a couple years ago, and I did not learn of his passing until a month after when Joel called the Helpdesk, and I asked how Eric was doing. I chatted with Joel a few times, did not know him all that well, but when he was suddenly taken in a car accident, it felt like I could express my loss of Eric and now Joel together by going to Joel's funeral.
Then a week ago, William Russel, a fellow Co-Worker here in the Helpdesk failed to awake one morning. I had just spent a good 2 hours with Russell in training, and he was a awsome person who we all loved and enjoyed to be with. He will be missed for a long time.
THEN.. Last Saturday morning, and a bike ride from Woodbury to Hudson to play golf, my cousin Wayne Dietz suffered a Cardiac Arrest, tumbled into the ditch, and lay, Not breathing, Heart fluttering for who knows how long... Doctor's estimate it was somewhere between 6 and 20 mins, as brain activity was minimal.. Wayne passed away late Tuesday night.. Aunt Marrion now has to bury her 3rd adult child, and that does not seem right. No Mother should have to bury their child, that is one of the hardest things to witness. However, Marrion has a very strong faith, and I know the family will find the Love to keep on living..

So, that seems like enough depressive news for now.. I have found myself really enjoying Leah's band leaders blog, so added that to my links.. See Amanda H. I find her writing to be like eating a Crisp juicy apple..

Keep on Keeping on.. Be well.. Take Care..

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