Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Saying Goodbye...

There are some video's out, saying goodbye to NWA, This is my favorite.

I find it interesting that we learn even more how much we care about someone or something when we say goodbye. As you know I said goodbye to my dear Mother in June, and that experience is one that I hope will live with me until the day it's my turn to go. That experience was probably the most moving and lasting experience second only to the experience of God touching my heart. Actually I must put all the times God has touched me together as one experience, however I digress..  My thought here is that when I said goodbye to Mom, I really did not know how it would go.  I will share with you that my overwhelming response at the time was, "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?"  She passed so silently and gracefully surrounded by Love and going onto Eternal Love..  It was simply amazing..   Now we who are left behind continue to mourn the loss..  Dad was going through deeper grief again this week, and I told him "I am so glad you miss her so much.".  He agreed, as we are realizing that the depth or our Love can be measured in the depth of our Grief when we have to live on without the company of the one's we loved.  Dad's love for Mom was very great, and it is only expected that he will grieve deeply and long..
Now we face the experience of saying goodbye to NWA.  Wow…  how can I put that in the same blog as talking about Mom..  Only because this is a discussion of saying goodbye and not a comparison study on depth of meaning in our lives.  I have had to say goodbye to a number of companies in the past..  3M - Bell&Howell - TRW all due to decisions made by the companies to sell or merge..  So, NWA will be another of the companies that are part of my illustrious, and getting longer past.  I am not afraid, and I am not worried..  Will I miss NWA?, Yes indeedy..  However, if we don't get all hung up on the Name and Look, we may find that the future with Delta may continue along pretty much as it has been with NWA.  Is there a chance I may not be brought into the new Delta/NWA future?, again yes there is, but again I am not afraid, nor am I worried.  Change of that degree will test me, and I do not know how or if I will succeed or fail miserably, but I have to trust life, and just try and make the next best decision...

1 comment:

Ethel said...

hi there, love what you say about saying goodbye...seems experiences of life are so intertwined. you seem to see the positive sides of just letting go..that's remarkable. i'm learning that much of life's lessons teach us to let go...and let love flow. ( wow..that rhymes). i will call you soon re..this wk. end. luv.